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Modern Slavery Statement 2023


In acknowledgement of Thn capital AG (the “Firm”) responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act"), and its support of the goals set forth in the Act, the Firm has produced the following Modern Slavery Statement (the "Statement") setting out the Firm's policies and procedures in respect of modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Our Business

The Firm is based in the United Kingdom and is part of a global group of companies headquartered in Chicago, USA. The Firm provides research and development services to affiliate entities.

Our Supply Chain

Due to the nature of the Firm's business, the overall risk for the facilitation of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business or amongst our suppliers is low. The Firm's supply chain primarily consists of providing research and development services to its affiliates. The Firm also utilizes other suppliers of products and services such as cleaners, caterers, maintenance workers, security providers, business travel operators and recruitment agencies, on a customer basis, to maintain office facilities and meet business needs.

Our Policies Concerning Modern Slavery

The Firm strongly condemns the use of slavery and human trafficking in any circumstance.
As a responsible employer, each employee is made aware of the Firm’s expectations concerning fair working conditions and safe working environments during their mandatory new hire orientation training. New employees are also introduced to the Firm’s human resources policies, including the Open-Door Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Policies”) which further demonstrate the Firm’s zero-tolerance approach towards unlawful or unfair treatment of its employees and commercial partners. The Policies actively encourage employees to speak freely with management, without fear of reprisal, about any questions or concerns they may have concerning their role, the Firm’s conduct, or a supplier. All Firm employees can easily access the Policies in the Employee Handbook, which is located on the Firm’s intranet, as well as a copy of this statement, which is available on the Firm’s website

Our Vendor Due Diligence Process and Supplier Code of Conduct

Each potential supplier is carefully evaluated through a pre-contractual due diligence process performed by the Firm’s Purchasing, Legal, Accounts Payable and Finance teams. The collaborative nature of this process ensures that any potential risks are identified and assessed at an early stage and corrective action implemented to reduce the potential for illegal practices or unethical conduct associated with the Act or otherwise.
To further demonstrate the Firm’s commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking in the workplace, the Firm has established a Supplier Code of Conduct (the "Code"). Both existing and new suppliers will be required to acknowledge the Code as a condition to entering or continuing any contractual relationship with the Firm. Additionally, the Firm’s template documents and agreements include a contractual term to ensure adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

Looking Ahead

The Firm remains committed to maintaining strong policies and procedures to identify and prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains and will continue to review and enhance these policies and procedures over the course of the financial year.


This statement has been reviewed and approved by the Firm’s board of directors.
For and on behalf of the board of directors of Thn capital AG.
